Blog Beiträge von Jahr 2017

21. September 2017, 18:38 | Von KissB | in Events category

On the 16th of September 2017 the 9th edition of the National Hill Climb Championship took place in Mureș.

21. Mai 2017, 10:05 | Von KissB | in Events category

The Auto Crono CV Club organizes in collaboration with Pro Motor Harghita the 3rd stage of the second National Hill Climb Championship and the first stage of the Regional Championship of Hill Climb: Metalubs Trophy – St. Anne Lake – 7th edition.

16. Mai 2017, 14:59 | Von KissB | in Events category

Recollecting the last weekends beautiful auto event: Klausenburg retro race. Metalubs was one of the main sponsors and also, our team won an honorable third place (the rain was a refutable competitor) on a specific competition category. Thank you all for the support and do not forget:  Be the best, use the best!

30. März 2017, 18:00 | Von KissB | in Events category

This years International Automobile and Tuning Show was held between 24-27 march in Budapest. This event for car enthusiasts gathered over 2500 cars, 55000 visitors and 300 exhibitors from 15 countries. Participants had part of an unforgettable weekend with a vibrant and energetic show.